Vegas Day 8
I didn't sleep very well last night and no it wasn't from the alcohol. I had an extremely dry throat that no matter how much I drank, it didn't help. I know, I know...dehydration but this was different. It felt weird and I was really hoping that I wasn't coming down with something. My sinuses were at its worse and I couldn't breathe. I had nose spray and even that wasn't opening them up enough to breathe. It was just terrible. Once the hubby was awake I recruited him to walk with me back over to CVS and see if I could find something to take. We managed to get some throat lozenges that I would be able to suck on ALL DAY LONG and also went the more natural route to help with my symptoms and bought some Black Elderberry Cold & Flu Relief dissolving tabs, which I have to say were quite yummy. The hubby said he wasn't feeling so well either and joined me on my journey to fight this "whatever it is" bug.
Ok, time for breakfast. We headed downstairs and just decided we would go back to America to eat since it's convenient, plentiful and scrumptious.

You will find these signs in all of the bathrooms anywhere you go now:

What to do today? Hmmmm. Well, we are staying at New York, New York and we haven't even rode the Big Apple Roller Coaster here. I know the kids have mentioned it several times. What better time to do it then after you've had a big breakfast right Karl with the weak stomach? 😂
You can buy a single ride ($25) or two rides (as long as they are in the same day) for an extra $10 and we opted for the two rides. I mean why not? We didn't have to do them back to back and trying one during the day and one at night would be fun.

You are not allowed to take anything with you to the coaster and have to lock up your goods in a locker that would cost you $1. No camera's or videos! Then you wind your way through a very large arcade to get into line in the back and wait your turn. Sakari wanted up front of course...but so did everyone else. So in order to line us up on the same ride she would have to settle for a different spot. The hubby decided we should be in FRONT of the kids...just in case Karl lost his breakfast. "It's not going all over me!" he said.
We were strapped in and off we went twisting and turning and Karl was screaming while Sakari and I were laughing and keeping our hands up in the air. I'm sure he thinks we're nuts!
He survived and no one got splattered with his breakfast and it was time to head out for more fun. I thought we should keep the "theme park" going and we decided to go to Circus Circus for the day.
Our 3 day tickets with the Deuce had expired and we would just have to buy a 24 hour pass this time around. I wasn't sure what we had planned for the rest of our vacation and didn't want to buy another 3 day pass if we really didn't need to. The Deuce has received enough from my pockets on this trip.
I'm teasing Karl on the way and obviously Sakari didn't want to hear it. LOL No worries, we joke around all the time...he gives it's not just all me.

We arrived at Circus Circus!
Once inside the Circus act (free to watch) was ending. The same thing happened last time we were here and we didn't get to see it.
Tickets for the day would be $60/pp and lockers cost $4. We put our things away and headed to the rides.
We started with a "smaller" ride just for Karl. After that ride, Sakari and I ran to the next and Karl decided to sit this one out. Then we headed to the roller coasters and we all had a lot of fun.
We took breaks in between, for Karls sake, and then moved on. We did come to a kiddie area in the back and offered to ride those with him and he rolled his eyes and we moved on. 😝
I didn't get a lot of pictures because my phone was locked up in the locker.
We spent several hours there riding everything and then it was getting dark outside and we decided to head back to our hotel.
We walked down the street to our bus stop. Once the bus came, there were so many people already on it and more getting on that the bus driver just waved us all on and didn't even ask for tickets or payment. He must have been running late for his stops.
The traffic was HORRIBLE! Like we sat still in one location FOREVER. It was a few blocks long in this area and traffic would turn at the light and block the traffic for the other lanes and by the time it cleared out, only one or two vehicles could go on a green light. It was crazy. We would have been better off to just walk.
After getting off at our bus stop to NY NY, we stopped along the way for food at Shake Shack, which is located on our block and in front of NY NY. (Picture taken during the day because remember, it's now night). 🍔🍟

It was time to head to our show for the night....BLUE MAN! We were excited.
We caught the monorail over at Excalibur and once went all the way over to Mandalay Bay. Ugh. Ok, I guess we are walking back but at least it would be inside through the mall...even though it was fairly warm outside. TODAY WAS 66° OUTSIDE!! Can you believe it? I'm loving this "winter trip".
Our show was at 8pm and we had a little extra time guessed our $10/each popcorn for the show. 🍿

Now last time we bought the front row seats and paid a nice price for them. I was hoping that if anything happened involving the audience, they would pick Sakari. She was picked by one of the Blue Men to get up and she had to wiggle and dance as he moved his lights pointing at her. However, there were other skits they actually moved around the audience and went all the way up to the top of the theater (which is pretty small to begin with). At that point, I had made a comment about I wouldn't be buying the most expensive seats at any of these shows because you could possibly be picked no matter where you sit.
Alright Karl, time to blow your mind! We took our seats and by the time the show started, there wasn't anyone in any of the seats all the way to the left of us. We all decided to move down for a better view because there was a very tall guy in front of us.
It was the same show we had seen before. They are funny and very talented.
I tried really hard to get a picture of the screen on the stage with all of us in it but I was too late.

These traffic control lights...yep, they were the ones that were pointed at Sakari to get up and dance with them.

Then things got crazy and we were showered with tons of streamers and the party was getting fun!
Drumming in the is so neat to watch!

It was a fabulous show and we all had a lot of fun. Karl liked it...but Jabbawockeez is still his favorite. lol
Time to head back out to the monorail and it actually stopped to get us. Why can we catch it here but can't get off here? I was left scratching my head.

We walked over to our hotel and guess what time it is? Time to ride the roller coaster again!!! We still had one ride we needed to use up tonight.

We were up toward the front of the coaster this time and it had been awhile since we had anything to eat so I think we were safe with the kids being in front of us. We boarded the ride, it took off....and then stopped outside before climbing the first hill. Wait, what was going on? They would make an announcement that someone on the ride had snuck in their phone and they were confiscating it before we could move. Eventually the person gave it up. They don't play with this ride. I have no idea how people have videos of this ride online.
Back inside and an overview of some of the casino...

We headed back up to our room and time for bed where I would have yet another night of not being able to breathe or sleep and I actually got up twice throughout the night just to take a scalding hot shower 🚿 to try to open up my airways and pop a few more Elderberry meds. I slept sitting up for most of the night. Ugh
For some reason I did not take a picture of our steps today but I wrote them down.
We walked 5.66 miles, 12,986 steps and climbed 6 flights of stairs today. Whew!