Vegas Day 11
Our last day here in the beautiful city that never sleeps of VEGAS! 😭
We hung out in the room making sure that we weren't leaving anything behind...checking, double checking, triple checking and then decided to head out to summon an Uber to take us to the airport.
The kids had to stop to get their pick-me-up-frapa-crapa-choca-mocha-loca sugar drink first.

We headed downstairs and was waiting outside at the taxi pick up area.
We decided to go with a taxi driver there at the hotel instead of taking a chance on an Uber driver coming with a small car. We piled our luggage into the suv taxi at 8:40am and we were off to the airport. The only way they can drive from the entrance (which is basically on the side street) is to circle back around the building, to the other side and then out onto the strip again. I would take a few more pictures as we headed out.
It is a short drive to the airport and I could see our hotel off in the distance still.
We still had plenty of time before our 11:51am flight. It didn't look like there were many people here at the airport. Maybe everyone had the same idea we should have had and stayed another day to recover from being up late last night. Either way, I wasn't complaining.
We hadn't ate yet so decided to stop at Starbucks for breakfast.
Ok, I guess we could head to the gates now. When we arrived we would soon discover HERE is where everyone was at. OH EM GEE! The lines were ridiculous! We searched for the TSA line and would discover IT WAS CLOSED! Wait what? We were going to have to wait in this long line with everyone else? Why was this closed? How is this fair that we pay for this service and can't use it?

We finally made it up to security and was handed our purple little "You are TSA Pre✅ but still had to wait in the long line with everyone who wasn't" card. However, when the hubby got up there they conveniently ran out of the cards. That meant that he was getting the double whammy and would still have to remove all of his articles and he was thrown in the scanner as well.

Eventually we would make it through security, gather our things, wait for the hubby to get dressed again and always...all the way to the end of the airport. No matter where we go, we are never the closest to anything. I think they do this on purpose.
Sakari said this would be a good place to take pictures of the strip from the airport.

Can you see the Trump hotel from here? Peeking up right behind the High Roller. Little did we know at the time but an explosion had just happened where someone had rented a Tesla Cybertruck and drove to the Trump Tower, committed suicide and the truck exploded! We would see it all over the news when we got home. It really made us reflect on our day because it exploded at the entrance to the hotel AT THE EXACT TIME WE WERE LEAVING OURS. What if that would have been at our hotel? We would have been getting in our taxi. We might not even be here today. This world is scary and there are some sick people in it. Why can't we all just love one another? Have respect for others? Be kind?

It was time to board our plane and Sakari touched it for luck of course. We would also notice the color of the plane was not your normal YELLOW for Spirit. We all looked at each other and wondered if this was a really old plane and then the stories started.
Flying out over the mountains were so pretty. You could see Hoover Dam down there.
The sun was setting as we got closer to home and it was so pretty.

We arrived safely back home and it was a successful trip. One that we would love to do again in the future for New Years Eve. We WILL have to do it again for the simple fact that I still need to see my Michael Jackson show!
I'm not sure where we will head off to next. Now that I have this review finished, it's time to start planning again. 😁 Until then, safe travels to everyone out there. I hope your journeys take you to some exciting places. Make memories! Love one another! Be kind!