Cozumel 2021
Day 6: Up, up and away, a repeat day and chainsaws...
So remember yesterday I had made parasailing reservations for the same time that we were doing the Sea Trek that day and Ana helped me get it corrected?'s parasailing day today!
Our reservations were for noon and we were to meet at Hotel Barracuda, which is the place right next door to Jeanie's so easy to get to and we knew where we were going.
Mi esposo and myself were up early, see the trend? We were enjoying our Coca Light and Cafe or were we???
We listened to the sounds of the eeeerrrrreeeerrrr kids while Sakari slept in until 10am, which is when I told her to set her alarm for.
It was time for a little Espanol class and I laughed while the "American pronunciation words" came out of the hubby. "It's Aaahhhh-blow not HAAAA-blow" (Hablo). Come on, let's see a little progression here with this. LOL But he was trying. Now we have noticed if you are trying to use google translate for English to Spanish words, it is not right a majority of the time. Everywhere we went, the hubby would pull out his phone and say something in English to translate it to Spanish, then speak to someone we were around...only to get that confused blank look on their faces. Then they would proceed to tell him the right way, which was never anything remotely close to what he was saying (and we are not talking about pronunciation here either).
I believe this was the day that Hija made us breakfast, but sadly I didn't get a picture of it. Then we were headed to Hotel Barracuda for our adventure.
We parked at the MEGA and played frogger across the street to Barracuda. They have a small "beach" in this area, just like Jeanie's and we happened to be the only ones on the beach at noon.
They took our temps, we washed our hands, then ask where to go for the parasailing.

We were instructed to go under the little palapa to sit at the table where we would find this sweet little old man that was sitting there. We talked to him and he was from the states and comes to Cozumel once a year for about 3-6 months out of the year. He was waiting on "the doctor" to come and give him his "shot" and he's been coming here for years to have this done. He was equipped with his medications. We ask if he was going parasailing and he said "no, just waiting on the doctor to arrive". He was so sweet. No, the below picture is not the little old man despite all the gray hair he's getting recently. ;)

A guy from the scuba shop came over and he was the one arranging for the parasailing as well. He spoke with us about the adventure, but was confused because there were only 3 of us and he had 4 bookings. Well, I explained to him that we had purchased 4 spots because mi hija is going up twice! How exciting is that?? Happy "early" Birthday to her!

We sat around and talked to the instructor as we waited on the parasailing boat to arrive. We talked about diving of course. I inquired how much he charged for Discover Scuba (my mind had been on this since we arrived and the hubby told me yesterday at Jeanie's that watching the scuba divers with us taking pictures and walking us around on the ocean floor made him really miss it and wanting to dive). He told me some outrageous price like $140/pp and I think I spit my pop out at that point! Wow, that's the highest price I have received during all my searching prior to leaving home. I let that conversation go after I heard that.
Now the place here was called "Scuba Juan", so now that I'm doing this review, I decided to look this place up. I found their website and low and says DSD are only $79/pp! What the heck? Were they trying to get one over on us?
I also noticed they listed the parasailing on their website. They must use this company exclusively because they name listed on their website was the same company that pulled up to get us (Albatross). Now the other thing I find funny is that the website says you can fly up to 3 people tandem. This is the first I have heard of this and everyone we spoke to had said only 2 people at a time and they don't do 3 people. However, their website does specify up to 350 pounds, so that would eliminate that. I'm guessing I need to put Hija on a diet at this point. ;) The price they have listed on their website for parasailing is $65 per person.
Now if you want to know where I booked our "flight" at, for $58.50, here's the website (I won't be using the companies logo since they mention it is copyrighted)

The company that I used is called "Cozumel Tours" by Johann & Sandra. Now I know that I have seen people mention this couple and their tours before, so I felt comfortable booking it from the good experiences I had heard others mention. However, do know that I believe they are just a booking company that offers various excursions around the island with different vendors. Their website has a little history about them on there if you are interested. Your booking also comes with a "discount card" that gives you complimentary drinks or discounts at various restaurants around the island if you want to use it. We did not.
So the parasailing boat was pulling up and preparing for our flight and the dive instructor told us that he would take our pictures prior to take off...
Now getting in the boat was tricky for me, as it always is, because of my leg. Stepping down onto a moving object, while not having many places to hold on to is just scary.
I had a big bag with our things in it and I found it odd that the 2 guys on the boat didn't even bother to take it from me as I stepped down onto the boat. Hmmm, I don't think I have ever had that happen before.
But, I safely made it in there without any mishaps and I quickly scurried over to a stable place to sit.

Before long, we were heading out...goodbye Hotel Barracuda.

EeeeHaaaa, Hija, was having one of her funky bad hair days from going to bed with a wet head and now the wind blowing it everywhere. So, she decided to pull it up her lioness mane so that she could see during the flight. I was the next to get strapped in and again, kinda tricky for me to stand up on a moving boat and trying to step into things and put things on, but I managed.
We were ready! Hija and I were going up first!
It was a quick ride out and before long we were putting on our gear. The guys didn't speak too much for us and it was a different experience that we had the last time were the guides were talking to us and joking around to make us laugh.

The hubby was armed with a camera to take pictures of us and I was armed with the other camera to take pictures up there of him.
We watched these guys mess with a §hit ton of different colored ropes. Man they were everywhere! It made me super nervous to watch them take different colors and put them together and tie knots and just wow! What if they tied the wrong colors together? What if their knots slipped and came apart? It just really made me nervous. I never noticed any of this going on the last time we did parasailing. I guess the hubby was noticing too because he also took pictures of it.

Out went Mr Smiley! He was ready to put a smile on our face. Notice the camera strap in the hubby's picture. He's such a pro at this! lol

The guy motioned for us to come over, pointed to the back of the boat platform, and told us sit down. Of course I'm messing with my camera and trying to get it on the right setting as we were ready for take off (below). There wasn't much instruction on what was about to happen or what we were to do. The one thing they did tell us was if we wanted to come down for any reason, wave our feet/legs back and forth. Um, don't you do that when they are dangling anyhow? Don't you do that when you are excited? Oh my gosh Hija! Don't swing your feet back and forth for any reason! Nothing like the experience we had before.

Then up we went!

We were flying high like a bird. It was a little windy out but we were having fun and shark hunting...or at least I was. It would just be so cool to see SOMETHING in the water. Too bad we were not here during whale shark season (which starts the following month).