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After several people on the cruise boards suggested going here, I just knew it was going to be beautiful from the few pictures I had seen of it.


We had found was confirmed.


The water was gorgeous! The sand was gorgeous! It was heaven on earth.


The family couldn't wait to get in the water. I think the joy of it was also that the sun had come out a little.


There wasn't another person here.


Man this place was beautiful. I thought St Catherine was pretty, I liked this place even more.


Kolin testing the water out...and running from it.


Another thing I had worried about coming to Bermuda in October was going to be whether or not we would be able to swim and enjoy it. I know the temps are cooler during this time but was assured that there's still plenty of swimming weather at this time of year too.


We did find the water to be a little chillier than last time, but when on vacation, we manage to swim no matter how cold. We would not let the opportunity pass us by.


It took some getting use to. Maybe after freezing the first 5-10 minutes of being in the water, then you started to get use to it. After that, you were good to go. You could get out for awhile and when you got back in, it felt fine. Not as warm as the last time, but you could definitely tolerate it.


Of course the kids never care at all (the little ones)



The nice thing about this place was there were plenty of trees (had there been a lot of people there and if the sun was out and extremely hot) that you could sit under if needed.

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The hubby and Billy decided to go rock rock climbing.


They said they could see some big fish swimming in the water by the rocks. When we snorkeled over that way, we really didn't see much. I tell ya, they were hiding from us this time around. The rocks here were just like those at Horseshoe Baby Bay, TONS of huge crabs and snails crawling all over them.


I tried my best to capture some of them, but they (the crabs) were just too quick for me and my camera.


You could see the airplanes coming in over the water and headed toward the airport. I reflected on our times at Maho Beach in St Maarten. Great times!

They convinced Kolin there were fish over off he went.



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I continued to take more pictures of this beautiful beach.


You could see the pretty colorful houses over at St David. I could see the lighthouse from here.



All of a sudden Kendra yells "DO YOU SEE IT???" I looked and looked and couldn't see anything. She yelled that it was a turtle and pointed off in a direction. Then yelled a few more times and pointed in different directions. Turtles were popping up their heads everywhere.


I took a picture...can you see it? Top of the picture (my aim was a little off, but I had no idea where one would be popping their head up at any time, so I just aimed and shot). Do you see the dot? That's a turtle.


I zoomed in on the the second picture is a close up (so not very clear, but you can clearly tell it's a turtle).


​DUDE! (Finding Nemo).