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Aruba 2021

Day 8: Tuesday, August 3

Up gear, Christmas in August, bad games and spinning chairs...

Yawn, it's now 7am and it's time for our caffeine fix. Sitting outside in "our spot" and letting the heat take over my cold Coca Light! I'm trying my best to gulp in down so that I was the winner in this game of heat.


Not much exciting happened...the goat family visited, the pigeons came for a drink and the blue lizards were looking for any morsels we may have dropped the night before...but don't move or they are gone!


At 9:30am the not-so-munchin's sniffer was in full force as the bacon, eggs and toast hit the table.


We didn't really have any plans today except another beach day. 


We packed to head out after breakfast. But first, as we were packing the car, Sakari yells "mom, look!" I headed over to the front porch and she points at a pigeon sitting under the tree beside the porch. Her animal whisperer self was so intrigued with it because it definitely wasn't trying to get away from us. Could it be the pigeon that ran into the house the day before? I was pretty sure it was. It must be hurt. Then I hear "mom, look!" again and I see her try to pet it! Geesh...."Sakari go wash your hands now!"


We headed out and straight to Boca Catalina again. I just love this place! But, just to clarify, we went to the "Rocky Boca" since we have now discovered there's 2 Boca's. 


I headed out (alone) and the fam decided to set up camp under a tree with shade and not swim. 


I headed to the right and toward Arashi. 

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Stoplight Parrot Fish

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French Angelfish

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Smoothe Trunkfish

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French Angelfish

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After making it all the way to Arashi, it was time to head back....against the waves. Woah! It was a little strong today and it definitely wore me out! As I got back, the hubby was finally coming in the water. Ohhhh, now you want to swim? Well, I'm getting out now to rest!

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After resting, the family decided they wanted to snorkel with me. Since I knew the water was a little rough and easier to drift in the direction of Arashi I decided we should go down to the next beach to get in. THAT is when I discovered that it was the other Boca Catalina beach! Ahhhh, I finally get it! I don't know why it took me walking down that way to figure this out. Below is the path combining these two beaches. 

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Time for some snorkeling. Sakari managed to get tons of awesome pictures of course. It was Christmas in August for us. The corals were decorated with so many different colored Christmas Tree worms and they were so beautiful!

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Then there were the normal worms as well.

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Another beautiful school of blue tangs. I just love when they arrive in groups like this. It's so beautiful to watch them making every calculated move together. 

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Huge French Angelfish swimming buy us.

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Along comes a nice sized White spotted filefish. So beautiful and so graceful when swimming.

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A Orange Spotted Filefish. I'm not really sure why they are called this because the stripe is more pronounced than any spots. 

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Another White spotted filefish.

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 Spotted Trunkfish.

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