Aruba 2021
Day 16: Wednesday, August 11
Saying goodbye, posting money, long delays...
I had set the alarm for 7:30pm and told Sakari to set hers for 8am. However...I didn't sleep well and woke up at 6:30am.
I did some last minute packing and cleaning and then hung out with the hubby out by the pool since it would be our last time doing this. We found a little critter in the pool that needed rescued.

I scooped him up and put him on the land. I've done my duty for the day.

The hubby packed the car, I made sure everything was clean and back in place, grabbed the towels from the dryer and put them back in the bathrooms and we were ready to roll at 8:28am.
First on the agenda was to get the tank filled up with gas and $8.77 later we headed to breakfast. Wendy's was right next door. We were out of there by 8:42am and on the road to the airport.

On the way to the airport the hubby would feed me and give me my drink as I drove. Talk about service!

We had instructions on where we were to take our rental car and park it in the parking garage. We were parking the car at 9:05am.

We hauled our luggage right across the street.

We entered the building only to find out we were in the wrong building and had to go next door.

We made it to Southwest and there was no one there! Looks like we will be first in line. We took our spot in the A-List line and waited.

We waited and waited and waited. They told us the counters opened up at 10am for Southwest. All of the other airlines arounds us had huge long lines and I just knew by the time we got checked in and headed to security and everything else it was going to be so backed up. Getting there early wasn't paying off for us.

The Southwest employees were there at 10:02am but boy did they take their time setting up! By this time the lines had formed and it was time for us to go up. They were officially open for business. We took a step toward the counter and they called someone from the regular other line. Geesh. All this time waiting and being the first here and they don't even call us.

We were able to check our bags, get our boarding pass and we were out the door by 10:12am.
I love this little area. It's so pretty.

We came to a halt and had to wait in line. There were 2 lines and at the front of those lines there were 2 ladies checking your boarding pass and passport. They would let people go into the building one by one (family) as there was room inside in the line. You had to get in and away from the doors so they would shut.

We were inside by 10:19am. Once inside there were more lines. Passport control. Of course none of the self service machines worked.

We were out of this building and into the next long hallway by 10:25am.

Ok off to another line. Sakari wanted to know when It all ends. She didn't remember this many lines last time. Well, it was time for security and xray.

Done with security and shoes put on and belongings picked up by 10:31am
Whew, we made it. Well that was easy! All the shopping and last minute gifts were available.